What type of ABA do we practice?

If you work in the field of ABA, you have probably heard that people “ABA differently”. ABA’ing differently means that BCBAs, BCaBAs, and RBTs have different ways of interpreting data, building learning programs, and running those programs. One way is not necessarily better or worse than another. However, this may be confusing for individuals interested in studying ABA and families.

The way ABA Spectrum ‘ABAs’ is based on the individual needs of our learners. We take pride in getting to know our learners; we know when we can challenge them and when we need to back off. We know their interests and what they don’t like. We also understand that what they are interested in one day may change. We take time to continue to build a positive, respectful relationship with them throughout their time with us.

Our programs are focused on building the skills necessary for independence and safety. We focus on skills pivotal to living in the moment with knowledge of the future. We know the skills they develop now are crucial for success as adults. A core component of our programs is building language skills that foster learning, independence, and relationships. We understand that language is the basis for all learning and we work with learners using a variety of communication modalities.

We use scientifically based interventions at ABA Spectrum, which is not uncommon in the field of ABA. If a plan is not working for your child or your family, we make changes. Our therapists are creative and they are lifelong learners. We adapt and change with the needs of our learners.

It is important that when your child receives ABA, we meet them where they are. We encourage play, creativity, and individuality. We strive to find a balance between them doing what they want while giving them the skills to navigate situations in which they may not be able to do what they want (e.g. going to the dentist). We understand that they are only little for a short period of time, this time is crucial for development, and we need to plan with the future in mind.

This is how we ABA.




Evidence Based Practice (EBP)